Invest in Twisted Wrister Hockey and share in Nick’s future success!

Watch the video and read more about this opportunity below. If you’re interested, fill out the short form!

From Nick:

Hey there, Twisters! Both hockey and making videos have been passions of mine for decades. I’ve always dreamed of making a living as a sportswriter or TV personality, and specifically with hockey, I’ve wanted to stay involved in a community I’ve long felt connected to.

Twisted Wrister Hockey started in 2018 as another one of my hobbies, but it grew into something plenty of us never expected. I’m amazed that folks from all fan bases and from all over the world (seriously!) flock to our comments & live streams, but at the same time, I’m humbled by the friendships that have developed in our community. Cortana’s equally grateful, as without you, there are no goal treats 🐶

Just 18 months ago, I walked away from my six-figure job with the mission of earning a living as a kickass content creator & ambassador to the greatest game on Earth. Through our historical deep-dives, to our reactions to the chaos of the playoffs, to our thriving Discord server, I believe there’s a limitless future for Twisted Wrister Hockey. And when I believe in something, I go big, guys.

Future Goals:

I love producing videos and interacting with you more than anything I’ve done in my career, but to keep this up, I’m asking for your help. If you’re in, I can continue building Twisted Wrister hockey by:

  • Covering my production costs for editing, streaming, and publishing.

  • Hiring a video editor. I’ll get back hours of time on each project so that I can make more videos.

  • Hiring extra help for all sorts of social media content.

  • Upgrading my equipment — lighting, microphones, maybe a better “Cortana Camera” for streaming, etc.

  • Covering my own costs such as rent, gas, and Cortana’s occasional trips to the vet.

That’s all great, but that’s just the start. Looking ahead, I want to bring Twisted Wrister Hockey to you beauties. I want to travel around the continent (hopefully with Cortana) and do things in-person with our awesome Twisters.

I want to host meetups like The Hockey Guy does, visit arenas and vlog my experiences, and hopefully team up with some of your favorite sports outlets & creators with unique, in-person content. Shoot, I dream of a day when an NHL team emails me and says, “We’ll give you a media credential, if you want to run a live stream at one of our playoff games.”

The Opportunity:

In simplest terms, I want to know if you’re interested in funding my channel and my goals as a creator with a one-time investment. If you are, simply provide your email address below and indicate a dollar amount that you hypothetically could contribute. You’re not committing to anything just yet, so you can always change your mind.

With enough interest, I’ll be encouraged to launch a fundraiser in the coming months. To those who do contribute once that happens, you’ll be making an actual investment. By that, I mean that you will earn back a small percentage of what I have earned on my channel over a set period of time. Your investment helps me up-front so that I can do what I need to earn more for the channel and, subsequently, earn more for you. Win-win. All the logistics behind the fundraise will be handled securely and legitimately by OverSubscribe. They actually reached out to me because they enjoy my content and want to see a smaller sports creator succeed. We’re in good hands, Twisters.

Alrighty, that’s it! Are you excited to become a key player in the most twist-tastic hub for hockey history & culture? Where fans become friends and introduce new folks to the greatest sport on Earth? Brilliant. Fill out the form below, and let’s get Twisted Wrister Hockey to the next level! Oh, and if you know of anyone else who may be interested in supporting independent sports content like this, please share this page.

Thank you for supporting me in every way you have the past 6+ years, Twisters!

Nick & Cortana 🐶

Selected Comments from Twisted Wrister Mister’s YouTube Channel

  • T-Wrister, this is one of the BESTS YouTube hovkey "documentaries" going! Thank you for an excellent piece of tight work.


  • Wow! You are an amazing storyteller. Such good memories. And as a kid at the time, losing in OT against Nordiques hurt much more than any other losses like Calgary in 89 or Flyers and Islanders


  • bro you're so good got me tearing up and shiii hahaha love you bro you're the best


  • Out of all of the videos out there on YouTube that claim to explain why the Whalers left Hartford, this one does a very good job of breaking down what led to the downfall of the Hartford Whalers. Shoutout to @Nick_Pinkerton for accurately telling this story.


  • I've been sharing your cahnnel with all of my friends. They constantly send me videos from channles that are about hockey, but don't know about its rich history, even 20 years ago. You, though, embody what every hockey fan years for: factual history with a little flair. Let's not think that the new game is the only game that has ever been played (acting as if 20 years ago was over 100). We get the goods on the game from way back when. I remember these days, and I thank you for your time and effort to get as much right as you can from now. Surely things were more nuanced back then, but we live in the "here and now"


  • Absolutely amazing video! I'm an Avs fan and you hit the nail on the head lol. Just subscribed, can't wait to check out your other videos.


  • Congrats Nick, I'll always remember how you giving me the extra push to start following hockey and the LEafs since my dad was born in Toronto and spent some years living there


  • thehockeyguy is gonna pass u the torch soon bro love the content


  • Great video man! You can tell it was well researched


  • Happy birthday Cortana!! I love to see the bond and love between you two. I absolutely love her ears, she is beautiful and I am happy she has been loved by a great person like you Nick. There are a lot of great memories and streams with her that really make me happy to see her doing great! Thank you for sharing and may you both bring much fun and have great times together for years to come!!


  • Bro---you are the best and most passionate hockey commentator Ive come across on YouTube. Keep it up.


  • No one understands the culture of Hockey like you. Ju[s]t wanted to say "thanks".


  • Would think this channel had 100k subscribers with the quality. Keep it up man


  • The history of our game and the long lost defunct teams of old MUST BE PRESERVED in any way possible. Thank you for taking on this task, and showing some of us something new!


Some examples of the types of content I want to make more of with your help!

Team Traditions (32k views)

Heartbreak in Hartford (53k views)

The Scariest Hockey Player (214k views)

Roasting Every Fan Base (61k views)

Sharks vs. Knights Game 7 Vlog (13k views)

Note: This is not a solicitation for money and no investment at this time can or will be accepted. Any potential future offer to invest may only be through OverSubscribe’s crowdfunding platform after an offering statement is filed by LockerGnome. Any indications of interest expressed through this page do not come with obligations or commitments of any kind.

Questions? Contact us at